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Are you a publisher? Bettermarks is an adaptive learning system for maths replacing printed textbooks or exercise books. With bettermarks, students are enabled to learn from their mistakes. Are you a publisher? .
Aprendizaje adaptativo de Matemáticas - Más de 100,000 Ejercicios bettermarks. Aprendizaje adaptativo de Matema ticas. Ma s de 100 unidades interactivas sobre Matema ticas. Desde primero a cuarto de secundaria. 000 actividades con explicaciones y ayuda para cada paso. Correccio n y evaluacio n automa tica, individualizada e inmediata. Presentar temas de la forma habitual. Adjudicar tareas a cada alumno -o a toda la clase. Los alumnos trabajan a su propio ritmo.
Adaptive Learning for Mathematics - More Than 100,000 Exercises bettermarks. Over 100 interactive maths books covering classes 4 to 10. More than 100,000 questions with explanations. Help available for every exercise step. Automatic marking and result evaluation. Enter your access code to create a free bettermarks account.
Digitale differentiatie voor wiskunde en rekenen bettermarks. Digitale differentiatie voor wiskunde en rekenen. Een adaptieve wiskunde- en rekenmethode. Geeft inzicht in voortgang en het leerproces. Biedt variatie in opgaven en intelligente feedback. Geschikt voor leerlingen van vmbo gt, havo en vwo. Zorgt ervoor dat leerlingen rekenniveau 3F bereiken. Behandel een onderwerp in je les zoals je gewend bent. Wijs je leerlingen opgaven toe in bettermarks. De leerlingen oefenen op de computer of de tablet.
Adaptive Learning for Mathematics - More Than 100,000 Exercises bettermarks. Over 100 interactive maths books covering classes 4 to 10. More than 100,000 questions with explanations. Help available for every exercise step. Automatic marking and result evaluation. Introduce the topic in the lesson as you usually would. Give bettermarks exercises to your students. The students work through the exercises on the computer.
Adaptive Learning for Mathematics - More Than 100,000 Exercises bettermarks. Over 100 interactive math books covering grades 4 to 10. More than 100,000 questions with explanations. Automatic marking and result evaluation. Introduce the topic in the lesson as you usually would. Give bettermarks exercises to your students. The students work through the exercises on the computer.